I love the color pops in your photos - and everything else about this lovely retreat experience!

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Aww, thanks, Stephanie! It was really lovely. Having said that, it was reassuring that the most important ingredient was the people themselves, as that means the magic can happen anywhere and anytime, with the right crew!

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Elayne! Sounds like you had a super awesome time! So glad that you got to go on this retreat. It reminds me a lot of what I experienced at Highlights! Such an invigorating experience. I’m so ready to go on another one!

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I remember you writing about Highlights with so much love, and I definitely felt this here! (Though I have to say, Highlights is still on my bucket list!) I can see what writers ADORE about retreats, for sure, now! They are luxury--but even if you were doing it, like, at the local Y, it would still feel luxurious to be around creative people without having to worry about the usual daily challenges for a bit. Hugs, lady!

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What a wrap-up! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend a few days in person with you and all of the other incredibly funny and kind women on this trip. I am already missing the prepared meals, our room of requirement and all of the laughter. Thanks for being so awesome.

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Jen, the abs. same on each and every count!! :) Thank YOU--and re: being awesome, "I know you are--but what am I?"

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